Lady Musgrave Island is an uninhabited coral cay in the Great Barrier Reef, one of the world’s greatest natural phenomenons and a World Heritage Listed Marine Park. Lady Musgrave Lagoon’s amazing colours and beauty are unsurpassed anywhere in the world, boasting an abundance of coral, fish and turtles.There are tour operators offer fulled guided tours of the reef and give you the opportunity to slip into the warm tropical waters – perfect any time of year for diving, swimming and snorkelling.
As a part of Capricornia Cays National Park, there is camping on the island for most of the year.Lady Musgrave Island cruises are one of the best ways to pack in as much action as possible into a day trip to the island. Cruise boats moor alongside afloating pontoon known as ‘Reef Santuary’, a stone’s throw from the island. Cruises include such great activities as snorkelling in the lagoon, glass-bottom boat trips, guided walks, turtle and manta ray discovery, reef fishing and much more.
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